What is the National Latin Exam?

The National Latin Exam, sponsored by the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League, is a multiple-choice test with a time limit of 45 minutes, offered to students on eight levels:
Introduction to Latin Exam
Beginning Latin Exam
Beginning Latin Reading Comprehension Exam*
Intermediate Latin Exam
Intermediate Latin Reading Comprehension Exam
Advanced Latin Prose Exam
Advanced Latin Poetry Exam
Advanced Latin Reading Comprehension Exam
*New in 2025!
On the Introduction to Latin, Beginning Latin, Intermediate Latin, Advanced Latin Prose, and Advanced Latin Poetry exams, there are 40 questions on grammar, comprehension, mythology, derivatives, literature, Roman life, history, geography, oral Latin, and Latin in use in the modern world.
The Beginning Latin Reading Comprehension Exam, Intermediate Latin Reading Comprehension and Advanced Latin Reading Comprehension exams contain two Latin passages (two prose for intermediate and one prose and one poetry for advanced) as the basis for 36 questions on grammar, comprehension, historical background, classical literature, and literary devices.

Our Philosophy
The philosophy of the National Latin Exam is predicated on providing every Latin student the opportunity to experience a sense of personal accomplishment and success in his or her study of the Latin language and culture. This opportunity exists for all students since, in the National Latin Exam, they are not competing with their fellow students on a comparative basis, but are evaluated solely on their own performance on the exam. The basic purposes of the NLE are to promote the study of Latin and to encourage the individual student.
These exams are not based on any specific textbook series.
The NLE collects the grade level and level of Latin for each student. At this time, we are not collecting further demographic data.
Nota Bene
Teachers now have greater flexibility to offer exams at the level appropriate to the abilities of their students. Teachers should read the syllabus and find the exam which most closely resembles what has been taught by the teacher so far that year in the classroom.