  • Q: Do I have to be a member of the American Classical League or other organization in order to give the exam to students?
    A: Not at all! Any Latin teacher can give the NLE to their students, regardless of membership in any organization.

  • Q: How do I determine which exam level to order for my students?
    A: We are not based on any particular textbook series, so we offer a syllabus for each level of the exam, available on this website. Use the syllabus to determine which exam is the best fit for your students.

  • Q: How do the new exam names match up with the former exam levels? 
    A: The Introduction to Latin exam name has not changed.  The former Latin I exam is now the Beginning Latin exam.  The former Latin II exam is now the Intermediate Latin exam.  The former Latin III exam is now the Intermediate Latin Reading Comprehension exam.  The former Latin III-IV Prose exam is now the Advanced Latin Prose exam.  The former Latin III-IV Poetry exam is now the Advanced Latin Poetry exam.  The former Latin V-VI exam is now the Advanced Latin Reading Comprehension exam.

  • Q: What is the main difference between the former Latin III exam and the current Intermediate Latin Reading Comprehension exam?
    A: The Intermediate Latin Reading Comprehension exam mirrors the format of the Advanced Latin Reading Comprehension exam, in that both exams contain two Latin passages, with questions based upon those passages.

  • Q: Can students take the same exam two years in a row?
    A: The Introduction to Latin exam can be taken only once. The Beginning Latin through Advanced Latin Poetry exams can be taken twice each. The Advanced Latin Reading Comprehension exam can be taken multiple times.

  • Q: Can a student take two exams in the same year?
    A: No. Students are only allowed to take one exam annually.